Top Benefits of Slant Board Stretches and Exercises

Dec 07 , 2022

A slant board is an angled stand that you can use to hold your foot at the correct angle. The best calf stretch board is a non-slip platform manufactured from good material and has various levels of incline to get suitable results. There are many stretches and exercises which can be performed with a slant board to aim muscles in our legs, glutes, and feet. This article will outline the major benefits of a decline slant board depending on your specific needs. Also, this will guide you with some of the stretches and exercises.

The Benefits of a Decline Slant Board

With today's high-energy lifestyles, we often neglect to do any exercises that require one. The slant board is an interesting tool that can help balance this issue.

Prevent Inflammation


Prevent Inflammation


Inflammation and discomfort can be minimized by stretching out muscles that are generally used during exercise, such as our calves. Additionally, it reduces tension in muscles that are frequently used as well as encourages blood circulation.

Therapeutic Walking


Therapeutic Walking


Research by the Journal of Physical Therapy Science suggests that using a slant board improves walking ability. In this 2016 study, researchers followed up on earlier research on the use of slant boards for walking rehabilitation and applied it to stroke patients.

They found that people who walked on a slant board for three minutes, three times daily, had increased balance and improved gait. This may be due to the shifting of their center of gravity forward.

Relieve Pain


Relieve Pain


A slant board is a beneficial stretch for your feet, calves, and hips. It's an especially useful addition to any warm-up routine. Warm-ups are important because they help prevent muscle fatigue caused by tight muscles.

Physical Therapy


Physical Therapy


Even the simplest tasks require a series of muscle groups to work together. If one group becomes uneven, it can put undue stress on another and cause injury. Strong muscles can help to reduce the risk of injuries like calf strains, shin splints, or plantar fasciitis.

Slant Board Stretches and Exercises

This one is great for when you need to do a lot of stretches, especially slant board ones.

To do this slant board calf stretcher, begin by placing one leg, toes pointed up the slope, and your feet kept in front of you. Slowly lean forward onto the support as you feel increased tension in your calf. The simple angle of the board may be sufficiently at foremost but slowly lean forward to experience deeper stretching in your calf muscles. Repeat with each leg or use both legs at once - it’s totally up to you!

You have the most powerful tendon in your body the Achilles tendon. Running, jumping, or just maintaining balance while standing still forces us to flex our calf muscles. Strengthening and stretching can assist reduce the risk of injury caused by constant use.

Hamstring Stretch


Hamstring Stretch


Standing firmly on the board and bending your legs so that your toes touch is necessary for this stretch. Touch them slowly by leaning forward. In your calves and hamstrings, you will feel the stretch. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds or as long as it takes you to loosen up.

Plantar Fasciitis Stretch


Plantar Fasciitis Stretch


Your toes are connected to your heel bone by a tendon. Your foot's arch is supported by it, providing stability to your leg as a shock absorber.

Eccentric Squats


Eccentric Squats


Stand normally on the incline board with one foot in front of the other. Bring your back foot up slightly behind you then plant it onto the ground, lifting your heels to stretch your lower leg muscles from behind. You may find it helpful to use a pair of chairs next to you for support as you push back into place. If you would like to move the stretch, try doing this with both feet on the slant board and just one foot in front of the other.

Side Lunge Squats


Side Lunge Squats


Standing shoulder-width separated, placed one foot on the slant board sidewards with both legs forthright. As soon as you feel a stretch behind your back leg, move the leg on the board at the knee and back to the beginning position. You should also stretch the other leg by switching sides.

In the world of high-tech equipment, sometimes the basic tools can encourage you to conquer your true potential. When it is about maintaining your health in everyday life, slant board is the suitable option for you. Fitness coaches also recommend incline boards for their amazing results and for maintaining balance in the body. You can strengthen your body by performing these exercises and stretches. By using the LegFlex board, you will be able to relax those calf muscles.



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